Kelajakka yuzlan, kun uchun o’rgan!


Qabul qilingan institutsional baholash sertifikati

2024-yilda Mijozlarning qoniqish darajasi bo'yicha milliy tadqiqot
so’rovnoma natijalari Ixtisoslashtirilgan universitet toifasida 3-o'rinni egalladi.
(23 ta ixtisoslashtirilgan universitet ichida 3-o'rin ‘)
HiT videolavhasi
Our own future on a different level
Who Are We? We're all from 4 Daejeon!
Am I doing well? #PromotionalVideo
I'm looking forward to tomorrow's university! Daejeon Health University!
Look forward to tomorrow! Look forward to tomorrow! [Daejeon National University of Health / TV commercial video]
Pets are the future! Introduction video of Pet Total Care.
We're the next generation's representatives!

![Look forward to tomorrow! Look forward to tomorrow! [Daejeon National University of Health / TV commercial video]](