취업 명예의 전당

보훈공단 대전보훈병원 정규직 합격
작성자 김재석 작성일 24/12/09 (08:20) 조회수 547
- 공지사항 입니다.

2024년도 졸업생 윤대훈 선생님(지도교수 전민철)께서
보훈공단 대전보훈병원에 정규직으로 합격하였습니다.136

윤대훈 선생님은 학창시절부터 모범과 성실의 대명사였고, 무엇이든 맡은바 최선을 다하고 

공부도 열심히하고, 학과 교수님들과 논문도 열심히 쓴 학생이었습니다.

윤대훈 선생님의 밝은 앞날을 위해 학과 전체가 응원하며,

다시한번 축하드립니다^^

2024 graduate Mr. Dae-Hoon Yoon (advisor Professor Min-Cheol Jeon)
was accepted as a regular employee at the Daejeon Veterans Hospital of the Veterans Affairs Corporation.
Mr. Dae-Hoon Yoon was a synonym for model and sincerity since his school days, and he was a student who did his best in everything he was given,
studied hard, and wrote papers diligently with the professors of the department.
The entire department cheers for Mr. Dae-Hoon Yoon's bright future,
and congratulates him once again^^

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